As a tribute to the first-person RPGs of the 80s, Questlord works nicely. Reminds one very much of the D&D dungeon crawlers that were basically the go-to for CRPG thrills back in the day. Only, Questlord is nicely streamlined so that its easier to play and lighter on the micromanagement. Unfortunately, the game does have some noteworthy shortcomings. The biggest things that to need to fixed are the interface, primarily the lack of a compass in the main screen (I cant belive that was overlooked) and the ability to strafe. Side-walking has been in these sort of RPGs for decades so its weird that its not present here because the fact you cannot strafe means that enemies get all sorts of cheap hits in on you because you have to take two or three moves to actually face them and attack. Another huge problem is the inability of the player to be able to mark the map with important notes, which is another hallmark of these types of games that is mysterious absent. The in-game maps only show a few details, mostly exits, but dont show you the locations of NPCs, items, or other important details. In old school games like this, you marked all this on the map yourself, which is fine with me, but the ability is not there. All that said, this is still a pretty entertaining bite sized sort of thing, I just think the interface could use some cleaning up.
StanleyPain about QuestLord